Motivational Interviewing - Lesson 3A: Video Exercise 2


  1. Download this Observer Sheet to document what you observed of Dr. Selby demonstrating the Spirit of MI and the use of the OARS in the video link below.
  2. Watch this short video of B. Alan Lyme demonstrating MI skills and complete your observer sheet.
  3. Response to reflection question using the comment board below. Note: You must post your response by 5 PM ET the day before the next  live webinar session to earn your certificate of completion.

Discussion Question: How did Alan express empathy to his clients during his interaction? Please provide examples of verbal and non verbal communications. Were there any missed opportunities to use Motivational Interviewing skills?
The instructor will review your comments and have a debrief discussion during the next live session. The comments section will not be moderated otherwise. For security purposes, you will need to sign up with your email to post a comment but your email will not be shared.

2 comments on “Motivational Interviewing - Lesson 3A: Video Exercise 2

  1. Alan showed empathy to this client by summarizing her concerns and being sure to understand why she was meeting with him to begin with. He asked multiple open-ended questions such as, what are the good things about alcohol which opened up the topic of the negatives (in her case it’s getting expensive). He asked her what she thinks about the variation of her drinking lowering and then increasing. He also asked how confident she is that she could do something about her drinking. Very importantly, he mentioned that he feels confident that she can do what she needs to do once she decides. He also seemed to get the client focused on actual steps she would need to take. I liked his approach even though there may have been some opportunities to give her some more affirmation. Alan’s non-verbal communications were inviting and appropriate in my opinion.

  2. I really enjoyed watching this video. A was able to build rapport and empathy with the client by engaging the client with open ended questions. He summarized her comments very well at the beginning which showed in the client opening up more about how much she actually drank. I liked the way he was able to introduce her to the fact that she was actually drinking more than she thought she was (as she was filling up the glass) with the aid of a visual tool. if he did not have rapport with her through the empathy he showed earlier, I do not think it would have gone over as well as it did. He presented the cost/benefit in a slightly different way than I had thought of previously with "what does she like and what is not so good" about wine as well as his questioning to determine that the wine was causing more financial stress because she liked the good stuff. I liked the way, at the end, how he was able to have the client state the steps she was willing to take with questions like "what would it take to move to an 8 or 9?" and "waht woudl you choose to do?" and "How ready are you?"

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